Non-Strict Semantics of Haskell

Lazy evaluation is the most widely used method for executing Haskell program code on a computer. In this tutorial, we explain that we actually do *not* need know how it works in order to understand *what* a Haskell program calculates, thanks to thanks to a concept called *denotational semantics*.

Or: What Exactly does Lazy Evaluation Calculate?

Lazy evaluation is the most widely used method for executing Haskell program code on a computer. In previous tutorials, we have looked at how lazy evaluation works in detail and how it can help with making our code simpler and more modular. However, the main drawback of lazy evaluation is that it can be quite hard to understand all details of how exactly the program is evaluated. How, then, we can understand what the program does in the first place?

In this tutorial, I want to explain how we can understand a Haskell program without having a clue about lazy evaluation at all. This is possible thanks to Haskell’s non-strict semantics. First, we will introduce the concept of denotational semantics and the special value “⊥”, which is called “bottom”. Next, we will look at the concepts of strictness and non-strictness, which often show up in discussions about the optimization of Haskell programs. Afterwards, we will learn how to understand infinite lists without using lazy evaluation. Finally, we will consider the illuminating example of the children’s game “rock-paper-scissors” – which I learned from the classic book An Introduction to Functional Programming by R. Bird and P. Wadler – to see how this method works in practice.

The key message is that there are different levels at which we can understand a program. Lazy evaluation tells us how a Haskell program is executed, which is very useful for understanding its time and memory usage. However, we are also interested in what a program calculates, which is important for showing that the program is correct and free of bugs. In fact, I would say that the latter is more important than the former – there is no point in calculating a wrong result very fast. In most traditional imperative languages, the what and the how are very similar, but in Haskell, these are two different and complementary viewpoints. Often, the what part is easier to understand than the how part, because for the former, we may replace any expression by one that is equal to it, whereas for the latter, no two expressions are equal, their evaluation always proceeds in slightly different ways. In a way, the idea of separating the how from the what is what purely functional programming is all about.

The how of a program also goes under the monicker of operational semantics, whereas the what is also called denotational semantics. The word semantics simply refers to the “meaning” of a program. In this tutorial, we are concerned with the denotational semantics of Haskell and how it relates to operational semantics, i.e. lazy evaluation.

Expressions, their Denotations and Bottom

Consider any Haskell expression, for example

40 + 2

The meaning or denotation of this expression is the number 42. The expressions

sum [1..8] + 6

also denote the same value, 42. Note that we carefully distinguish between an expression, which is a syntactically legal piece of Haskell code, written in typewriter face, and a value, which is a mathematical object, written in italics. So, the expression 42 denotes the value 42, but these are different things. This may seem like hair-splitting, but it’s a very useful distinction to keep in mind. The point is that different expressions, like 42, 40+2 and 2*21, may denote the same thing, 42. In this case, we write an equal sign

42 = 40+2 = 2*21

to indicate that while the expressions are different, they denote the same value.

The rule is that two expressions denote the same thing if they evaluate to the same normal form. When running a Haskell program, the normal form is the final result that we care about. It represents what is being calculated.

However, the beautiful thing about denotational semantics is that we can also give meaning to expressions that do not have a normal form, for instance because their evaluation goes into an infinite loop. For example, evaluation of the expression

let loop = loop + 1 in loop

will never terminate. What value do we assign to it? The solution is very simple: We introduce a new value written “⊥” and called “bottom”, which represents the value of a computation that, well, “does not have a value”, for instance because it goes to an infinite loop or because it throws an exception. In our example, the expression loop denotes the value ⊥, because its evaluation never terminates. Another example would be the expression

head []

which also denotes the value ⊥ (albeit of a different type), because the head of an empty list is undefined and trying to evaluate this expression will throw an exception. In fact, Haskell has a predefined expression


which always throws an exception and thus denotes the value ⊥.

For each type, we can make a list of possible semantic values. For instance, an expression of type Bool may denote one of the values ⊥, False or True. An expression of type Integer may denote one of the values ⊥, 1, 2, … and so on. Essentially, we just have to add the extra value ⊥ to each type, at least for simple types like Bool and Integer. Later, however, we will see that more complex types, like the list type [Int] will contain additional extra values.

Strict Functions and Non-Strict Semantics

Once again, let us consider the example of the logical AND, whose definition is

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True  && x = x
False && x = False

To understand what this function does, we can write down a truth table. However, this time, we also have to consider the new value ⊥, which indicates that an argument does not terminate. So, the truth table we consider here has not just 4, but 9 entries. The first rows of the table are:

⊥ && ⊥     = ⊥
⊥ && True  = ⊥
⊥ && False = ⊥

The reasoning is that since the function performs a pattern match on the first argument, the function will not terminate if the evaluation of the first argument does not terminate. The next rows are

True && ⊥     = ⊥
True && True  = True
True && False = False

These simply mimic the first equation in the definition of the function. The final rows of the truth table are the most interesting:

False && ⊥     = False
False && True  = False
False && False = False

These rows mimic the second equation of the function definition. Note that thanks to lazy evaluation, the function returns the result False in all cases, even when the second argument is ⊥. In contrast, in a language with eager evaluation, like LISP or O’Caml, the first line would have to read “False && ⊥ = ⊥”, because arguments are always evaluated first, and evaluation of the function application does not terminate if evaluation of the argument does not terminate. We say that these languages have strict semantics, whereas Haskell has non-strict semantics.

(A word of caution: The equations above look like we might be able to “pattern match” on the value ⊥. But this is not possible because ⊥ is not a legal Haskell expression; it only exists in the denotational semantics. Remember: we write expressions in typeface, but values in italics.)

Where do the monickers strict and non-strict come from? Here is the main definition: A function f is called strict if it satisfies

f ⊥ = ⊥

In other words, evaluation of the function does not terminate if evaluation of the argument does not terminate. In most cases, this is because the function performs a pattern match on the argument. For a function g with, say, two arguments, we say that it is strict in its second argument whenever g x ⊥ = ⊥ for any first argument x; likewise for other positions.

Now, in Haskell, the function (&&) is not strict in its second argument, because

False && ⊥ = False  ≠  ⊥

We also say that it is lazy in its second argument. Haskell is said to have non-strict semantics because it allows such functions, whereas in a language with strict semantics, all functions are strict.

The fact that this function is not strict also means that the function does not always evaluate its second argument, because otherwise, well, the result would have to be ⊥. This is the connection between lazy evaluation, the how, and non-strict denotational semantics, the what. The latter only cares about end results, though, and is thus easier to work with. In fact, the Haskell standard only specifies that a compiler needs to respect the non-strict semantics, it does not say that Haskell needs to be evaluated using lazy evaluation. In other words, Haskell compilers are free to employ some other means, but in practice, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) does use lazy evaluation (with some minor adjustments). Clearly, this is important for understanding time and space usage of a program compiled with GHC.

Even though they are part of denotational semantics, the notions of strict functions and lazy functions are often used to discuss matters from operational semantics. For instance, bang patterns are an extension of the Haskell language that allow you to specify that some function arguments are to be evaluated to WHNF before the function body is evaluated, mimicking eager evaluaton. If you look at the GHC user manual, you will find that this is often described in terms of “strict” and “lazy”. For instance, it says that the bang pattern in the function definition

f1 !x = True

makes the function strict, so that we now have f1 ⊥ = ⊥ instead of f1 ⊥ = True. No statement in the manual is incorrect, but I would like to caution the reader again that strictness is a concept from denotational semantics, whereas bang patterns affect the operational semantics. In informal discussions, the word “strict” is often used to mean that a function evaluates its argument to WHNF before proceeding, but “strictly speaking”, this is not a correct use of the word “strict”.

Another point where you may encounter the notion of strictness is an optimization pass called strictness analysis. Here, the idea is that the compiler tries to figure out which functions are strict, and compiles them to use eager evaluation instead of lazy evaluation. This is safe to do, because it does not change their denotational semantics. The reason for doing so is that lazy evaluation does incur a certain administrative overhead which can be avoided by using eager evaluation; the code will run faster.

Partial and Infinite Lists

We have seen that simple types like Integer contain both the ordinary values and the special value ⊥. In the case of more complex types, however, the value ⊥ can appear in many more places. For example: What value does the expression

2 : undefined

have? It appears to be a list whose head element is 2, but whose tail is undefined. And that’s indeed the case, its value is

2 : ⊥

The point is that the list constructor is not strict, so the “totally undefined” list is different from the “partially defined list” 2 : ⊥. For instance, if we apply the function head, we get

head ⊥       = ⊥
head (2 : ⊥) = 2

In Haskell, all constructors are lazy (unless indicated otherwise by a strictness annotation).

We have already discussed the usefulness of infinite lists, but so far, we could only explain how lazy evaluation allows us to write down expressions for “potentially infinite” lists. Now, denotational semantics, and the just introduced concept of partial lists, allows us to talk about actually infinite lists. The idea is that an infinite list is to be understood as a limit of partial lists. Just like the number π=3.1415… is mathematically a limit of successive approximations 3, 3.1, 3.14 and so on, an infinite list, like the list of all positive integers,

1 : 2 : 3 : …

is a limit of partial lists

1 : ⊥
1 : 2 : ⊥
1 : 2 : 3 : ⊥

and so on. To see how this works, consider the expression

filter (< 3) [1..]

To understand the denotation of this expression, we apply the function filter to the partial lists that approximate the infinite argument list:

filter (< 3) ⊥                    = ⊥
filter (< 3) (1 : ⊥)              = 1 : ⊥
filter (< 3) (1 : 2 : ⊥)          = 1 : 2 : ⊥
filter (< 3) (1 : 2 : 3 : ⊥)      = 1 : 2 : ⊥
filter (< 3) (1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : ⊥)  = 1 : 2 : ⊥

All this has been calculated by applying the definition of the function filter. As you can see, the results stabilize after the third approximation, because there are no other positive integers smaller than the number 3. Hence, the limit is a partial list

filter (< 3) [1..]                = 1 : 2 : ⊥

And indeed, if you fire up a Haskell interpreter like GHCi and try to evaluate this expression, the interpreter will first output

> filter (< 3) [1..]

and then not respond to inputs anymore; this is what happens when you try to print the partial list 1 : 2 : ⊥.

The main message here is that using partial lists, we can understand infinite lists in a way that does not involve lazy evaluation. We had already noted in our previous discussion of infinite lists that the latter adds many additional complications, like the need to distinguish between the expressions (0+1) and 1, and so on. Working on the level of denotational semantics allows us to understand infinite lists in a more practical and intuitive way as actually infinite.

Of course, the denotational semantics do mimic the reductions steps taken by lazy evaluation to some extend. In particular, the value ⊥ does feel a bit like an “unevaluated” expression, as it gets refined from ⊥ to 1 : ⊥ to 1 : 2 : ⊥ and so on. It is a good idea to update our intuition of the value ⊥, and to think of it as a “computation that has not finished yet”. Sometimes, this means that the computation may never finish, because it goes into an infinite loop. At other times, it is better to imagine that it may yield more information after some time, for instance when the list ⊥ is refined to the list 1 : ⊥. From this point of view, a strict function is a function that cannot reveal any information about its result before it has gained more information about its argument.


To gain more practice with infinite lists, we will now consider the children’s game “rock-paper-scissors”, a classic example which I learned from the book An Introduction to Functional Programming By R. Bird and P. Wadler.

You probably know the rules of the game. In every round, each player makes one hand sign: either “rock”, “paper” or “scissors”. We represent this as an algebraic data type

data Sign = Rock | Paper | Scissors

(Image CC-BY-SA from Wikimedia)

Each sign is beaten by another sign

beat :: Sign -> Sign
beat Rock     = Paper
beat Paper    = Scissors
beat Scissors = Rock

and we give a point to the player whose sign beats the other player’s sign

points :: (Sign, Sign) -> (Int,Int)
points (x,y)
    | x == y      = (0,0)   -- draw
    | x == beat y = (1,0)
    | y == beat x = (0,1)

Now, we assume that each player’s strategy is represented by a type Strategy and that there is a function

rounds :: (Strategy, Strategy) -> [(Sign, Sign)]

which takes two strategies and returns an infinite list of rounds where they play against each other. Then, we can use the following function to play a match of n rounds and tally the points:

match :: Int -> (Strategy, Strategy) -> (Int, Int)
match n = pair sum . unzip . map points . take n . rounds
    pair f (x,y) = (f x, f y)

Strategies 1

What is a strategy? It is a method used by one player to decide which sign to play, based on all the previous moves by the other player. We can represent this by a function type

type Strategy = [Sign] -> Sign

Given a list of the opponent’s previous moves, this function calculates the player’s current move. For instance, the strategy that always plays “paper” is represented as

alwaysPaper :: Strategy
alwaysPaper signs = Paper

Another example is the strategy that plays “paper” first, and then plays the move that would have beaten the opponent in the previous round:

whatYouDid :: Strategy
whatYouDid []    = Paper
whatYouDid signs = beat (last signs)

Finally, we need to write the function rounds, which plays two strategies against each other and generates an infinite lists of sign pairs. We can use the function iterate to repeatedly append a new move to the list of previous moves

rounds :: (Strategy, Strategy) -> [(Sign, Sign)]
rounds (player1, player2) =
    map lastOfPair $ tail $ iterate update ([],[])
    update (signs1, signs2) = ( signs1 ++ [player1 signs2]
                              , signs2 ++ [player2 signs1] )
    lastOfPair (x,y) = (last x, last y)

Unfortunately, this implementation of the Strategy type has a serious drawback: Usually, a strategy needs O(n) time to analyze the previous n moves. For example, this is the case for the strategy whatYouDid. Then, to calculate the first n moves with this strategy, the function rounds will need 1 + 2 + … + n = O(n²) time. In other words, it takes quadratic time to calculate a match of n rounds. Certainly, we can do better?

Strategies 2

For a more efficient implementation of the Strategy type, consider the following idea: Instead of calculating just a single move from a list of the opponent’s previous moves, we calculate the infinite list of all moves from the infinite list of all of the opponent’s moves.

type Strategy = [Sign] -> [Sign]

For instance, the strategy alwaysPaper ignores the opponent’s moves and just returns an infinite lists consisting entirely of the sign Paper

alwaysPaper :: Strategy
alwaysPaper signs = repeat Paper

The strategy whatYouDid first returns Paper and then applies the function beat to all moves of the opponent

whatYouDid :: Strategy
whatYouDid signs = Paper : map beat signs

The key point is that now, this strategy only needs O(1) time to calculate the next move, instead of the O(n) time needed to inspect a list of the n previous moves.

The implementation of the function rounds that plays one strategy against the other is particularly interesting:

rounds :: (Strategy, Strategy) -> [(Sign, Sign)]
rounds (player1, player2) = zip signs1 signs2
    signs1 = player1 signs2
    signs2 = player2 signs1

The value signs1 is the infinite list of moves of the first player. Note that it depends on the list signs2, which in turn depends on the list signs1 again. This is also known as mutual recursion. How does it work? For concreteness, let us consider the example where the strategy alwaysPaper plays against the strategy whatYouDid.

The rule is that for any (mutually) recursive definition, we start with the approximation

signs1 = ⊥
signs2 = ⊥

which means that we know nothing about the results yet. Then, we calculate the right-hand side under these assumptions. The result for the list signs2 is

signs2 = whatYouDid signs1
       = whatYouDid ⊥               -- used first approximation for signs1
       = Paper : map beat ⊥
       = Paper : ⊥

(Remember that we consider the example where player2 is whatYouDid.) For the list signs1, we get

signs1 = alwaysPaper signs2
       = alwaysPaper ⊥              -- used first approximation for signs2
       = Paper : Paper : Paper : …

With this calculation, our knowledge about the result is refined to

signs1 = Paper : Paper : Paper : …
signs2 = Paper : ⊥

This is our second approximation to the end result. Note that the result for the first strategy is already complete. To get an even better approximation, we once again calculate the right-hand side, but this time using the new approximation:

signs2 = whatYouDid signs1
       = whatYouDid (Paper : Paper : …)
       = Paper : map beat (Paper : Paper : …)
       = Paper : Scissors : Scissors : …

Apparently, our new approxiatiom is already the complete result

signs1 = Paper : Paper    : Paper    : …
signs2 = Paper : Scissors : Scissors : …

Hence, the denotation of the expression rounds (alwaysPaper, whatYouDid) is

rounds (alwaysPaper, whatYouDid)
    = (Paper, Paper) : (Paper, Scissors) : (Paper, Scissors) : …

To summarize, this example shows how we can calculate the result of a lazy computation without using lazy evaluation. The main advantage is that instead of having to track the how of the computation in detail, we can concentrate on the what, which means that we can treat different expressions as equal, as long as they have the same denotation, something we cannot do when considering how they are evaluated.


The efficient implementation of the Strategy type has a serious drawback: It allows strategies that can cheat. For instance, the strategy

cheat :: Strategy
chat signs = map beat signs

plays exactly the move that would beat the opponent’s move in each round. This is now possible, because the list signs contains all moves of the opponent, not just the previous ones.

If we play the strategy cheat against the strategy whatYouDid, we will get the following sequence of approximations:

signs1 = ⊥
signs2 = ⊥

and then

signs1 = cheat      ⊥ = ⊥
signs2 = whatYouDid ⊥ = Paper : ⊥

and then

signs1 = cheat      (Paper : ⊥) = Scissors : ⊥
signs2 = whatYouDid ⊥           = Paper    : ⊥

and then

signs1 = cheat      (Paper    : ⊥) = Scissors : ⊥
signs2 = whatYouDid (Scissors : ⊥) = Paper    : Rock : ⊥

and so on, with the end result being

signs1 = Scissors : Paper : Rock     : …
signs2 = Paper    : Rock  : Scissors : …

The strategy cheat wins every round, because it “knows” all the moves of the opponent.

Of course, the cheating strategy will fail when cheat plays against itself. In this case, the computation will go into an infinite loop and the result will be signs1 = ⊥ and signs2 = ⊥. (Exercise: Show this!)

How can we ensure that a strategy does not cheat? First, we have to think about what exactly cheating is. A strategy does not cheat if it does not “look into the future”, i.e. if it produces the n-th hand sign only by looking at the first n-1 hand signs of the input list. In other words, a strategy player is fair if it satisfies the equation

last (take n (player signs)) = last (player (take (n-1) signs))

for all possible lists sign. The strategy cheat is not fair, as the following example shows

last (take 1 (cheat  (Paper : ⊥))) = Scissors
last (cheat  (take 0 (Paper : ⊥))) = ⊥

Unfortunately, there is no way to automatically check whether a strategy is fair, because we can’t test an infinite number of rounds and also because we cannot even check whether a strategy will terminate at all. The best we can do is to let strategies play as long as they behave fairly, but return ⊥ as soon as one of them starts to cheat. The following function is very helpful for that:

sync :: [a] -> [b] -> [a]
sync []     []     = []
sync (x:xs) (_:ys) = x : sync xs ys

The idea is that sync essentially returns its first argument, but when the second argument is a partial list, then only a corresponding part of the first argument is returned. Example:

sync (Paper : Scissors : ⊥) ('a' : ⊥) = Paper : ⊥ 

Using this helper function, we can implement the function rounds as

rounds :: (Strategy, Strategy) -> [(Sign, Sign)]
rounds (player1, player2) = zip signs1 signs2
    signs1 = player1 (sync signs2 signs1)
    signs2 = player2 (sync signs1 signs2)

By “synchronizing” the outputs of the two strategies, each strategy may only inspect as many moves of the opponents as the strategy itself has already decided upon. Any attempt to cheat will result in ⊥ for the next move.

With this, we come to the end of today’s tutorial. I hope the “rock-paper-scissors” example was as helpful to you as it was helpful to me back when I first learned about lazy evaluation and infinite lists.


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