FRP - Release of reactive-banana version 0.3

I have released version of my reactive-banana library on hackage.

The main improvement in this version is the interaction with existing event-based frameworks; the core FRP model and semantics remain unchanged.

Previously, only a single event network could be run at a time and the mysteriously named Prepare monad was used to set it up. Now, however, event networks are first-class values: several different networks may run simultaneously and you can pause and run them at any time. You still have to use a monad to create them, the NetworkDescription monad, but you now have a function

compile :: NetworkDescription () -> IO EventNetwork

that turns network descriptions into something tangible. Of course, the NetworkDescription is just the old Prepare monad, but I think the new nomenclature and behavior is much easier to grasp and understand. (Many thanks to Juergen Nicklisch-Franken for discussions leading to these changes.)

Other changes include:


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